This whole business of setting up collaborative projects with two artists whose work you respect is pretty exciting. We were so blown away by the results of The Heliocentrics' work with Mulatu Astatke that when the chance came up for them to make a record with Lloyd Miller, we couldn't let it get by. For those not knowing, Dr. Lloyd Miller is a legendary musician & ethno-musicologist with a deep love and respect for jazz and middle eastern music. His music has been compiled recently by discerning folks such as Jazzman & Now Again, and in fact a recent exchange between Lloyd and Now Again's Egon recently made the rounds> on the internet, thanks to Miller's frank condemnation of popular culture. He may be outspoken, but his words come from a place respect for the music he takes so seriously. We're extremley pleased to be able to set up a project with musicians who compliment each other so nicely. Lloyd Miller & The Heliocentrics will be out July 20th.
LLOYD MILLER - golegadom
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